We had such an incredbile time building our volcanoes last week! What a fun way to learn more about geology and teamwork! This was a whole-third grade activity which gave students the opportunity to work with students in the other three classrooms.
This week we will be painting our volcanoes and then EXPLODING them! Woohoo! We will also learn about the parts of a volcano and will begin exploring the three types of rocks.
Reading: We will continue on with asking Thick Questions this week due to our short week last week.
Writing: Poetry continues this week as well. We will be turning our focus toward our marvelous mothers as Mother's Day is this Sunday. Yay Moms! Thank you for all that you do! We will also be choosing a famous poem to memorize for our Poetry Recital. Our Poetry Recital will be held in our classroom on Friday May 16th at 2:45- 3:20. I will send home more information this week.
Math: We will be wrapping up our unit on fractions this week and will be moving on to more multiplication and division. In our next unit, we will focus on mental multiplication, exploring two-digit multiplication, number stories, and remainders.
Special Events: The high school National Honor Society students will be hosting Safety Day at the end of the day on Thursday. This is a great way for the students to learn about safety in all sorts of situations like biking, rafting, crossing the street, and more!
Heads Up:
-We will be having another round of MAP testing this week. We will be testing on Monday and Friday from 10-11:20.
-Next week we will be heading to the Trailhead Museum on Tuesday May 13 for a fun some fun hands-on scientific explorations! I will be sending a permission slip home with more details this week.
As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I so appreciate you attention and support. Only four more entries to read after this!
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