Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Winds Will Blow All My Troubles Away

My post title is a lyric from one of my favorite Grateful Dead songs and fits this past weekend perfectly! What a windy Saturday huh?  I almost got blown out of the lift line more than once, but it was so worth it!  It was an incredible day on the hill!

As the winds blow, the good times continue to roll here in third grade!  Here's what we'll be up to this week:


We have started our exploration of geometry and will continue on this week.  Last week we focused on lines, rays, and line segments.  We also learned about parallel lines and intersecting lines.  This week, we will learn about angles and turns and move into triangles, quadrangles, and polygons.  There is lots of vocabulary in this unit and they will be readdressed throughout the year and again in fourth grade.


We have been loving our Junior Great Books and will move on to the third story in our book, The Fisherman and His Wife.  The moral of this Brothers Grimm fairytale is that greediness and the thirst for more can never be quenched and that it will ultimately lead to nothing.  Pretty heavy stuff, but a very important lesson in today's instant gratification world.  This story really leads to great conversations about being happy with what you have and taking time to be grateful for the little things in life that we might take for granted.  I love Junior Great Books!

Book clubs are going great! Students will continue to plug away on their readings and assignments.


We have finished our rough drafts and are moving through the revision and editing process.  These realistic fiction stories are fantastic.  Students have learned to experiment with leads inspired by published authors, add body movements and facial expressions to dialogue to paint a picture for the reader, and how to write a satisfying conclusion that reflects on what the main character learns in the story.


Last week we focused on apostrophes and contractions.  This week it's all about pronouns.  Since we have Junior Great Books as a homework assignment, all grammar practice will be done in school as morning work.


New groups have been created and will start tomorrow.  I could use some help as I have only one parent volunteer and four groups.  We work on spelling on Mondays from 10:00-10:30.  Please with send me an email if you're interested in helping or you can just pop in!


We will begin our Biography unit this week.  Students will be able to pick a famous person to study from the huge selection of biography books in our classroom.  This unit is a great way for students to learn to navigate informational texts and synthesize and summarize their findings.  Students will craft a informational paragraph, complete a biography report poster, and present their report.  More on this later.


We are TCAP free this week!  Testing will resume next week and the following week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00-10:30.  Next week will be writing and the following week will be math.

Lastly, we start Nordic Ski for P.E. on this Tuesday!  We will be walking over from the school at 12:40 and be leaving the Nordic Center a little before 3:00.  What a great way to celebrate Mardi Gras!

Happy March!


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